Elevate Your Entrepreneurial Journey with Ritual

...and Why Your Morning Routine Might be Holding you Back

Hello and welcome to the 2nd issue of the RSL newsletter 🙂 
If you missed the first issue, you can check it out here!

“Routine, done for long enough and sincerely enough, becomes more than routine. It becomes ritual - it becomes sanctified and holy.”

- Ryan Holiday

I’m not sure about you, but I’m constantly on the hunt for ritual.

While I’m in Toronto, I have a routine I follow pretty religiously every morning — something I’d even go as far as calling a sacred ritual.

So when I decided to go on the road as a digital nomad, I was challenged with creating new routines and learned to embrace moving into new environments.

Routine is often associated with a specific location and environment, mostly because that makes it much easier to implement.

But over the past 2 years, I’ve learned what ritual is holy to me.

Similarly to what Robin Sharma described in “The 5am Club” as the “20/20/20 Rule”, I try to hit on three core habit types: physical movement, stillness & intentional learning before I move into work.

These three habits help me feel grounded and mindful to start my day — and I can adapt them as I need to depending on what my current space looks like.

For example, I just booked my new home for the next home back in the beautiful city of Buenos Aires — where I’ll have a pool, gym and spacious apartment to recreate my routine in.

I’ve learned that by removing friction by having these amenities in the building and by having a separate space from the bedroom, I’m able to easily jump right into a new variation of this morning routine, wherever I’m at in the world.

Whether it’s a routine to get you into your deep work, setting you up right before a coaching session, or winding down your day — how can you make it even more beneficial to you by further ritualizing it?

We all could use a little help creating a sacred ritual for ourselves, so the tools I’ve picked out for this week will help with just that 🙏

And don’t miss out on a contrarian take backed by science from Rian Doris on how we should actually all skip the morning routine and get right to work to tap into optimal flow.

I’ve shared mine, but I want to know: what are your sanctified and holy habits? Hit reply and let me know 👀

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Following from last week’s article by Tara McMullin, I thought this video was a nice take on the opposite end of the spectrum.

Rian’s work is on the leading edge of peak performance, while Tara spoke on how urgency has become a natural state of being for people these days — and how this is robbing us of the enjoyment of the process and result itself.

Which leaves me with a couple questions for you:

  • Has our society become too focused on productivity?

  • Will you be testing out Rian’s morning routine or are our sacred rituals overly being designed around solely being productive?

Have a mindfully productive week ahead!