How to Simplify The Path to Productive Growth

Being “in the flow” is definitely worth striving for. I know when I'm there. I'm tapped into something that is far beyond my ability.

- Aleta Pippin

Have you ever had a moment where everything just clicks?

When you’re completely in the zone, productivity happens effortlessly, and you have zero distractions?

You may be familiar with this all too elusive state called the “flow state.”

But how can you tap into this state when it seems to be almost random or completely sporadic?

This newsletter is coming to you a couple days later than planned because I spent the last week bouncing from Buenos Aires, to Argentina’s wine country and not spending much time in focused work…

Wine tasting at Zuccardi in Mendoza’s Uco Valley

(FYI working between wine tastings is not an environment conducive to flow states 😅)

But now I’m settled into a new spot in Guatemala, where I’ve put myself in a winning environment with a great coworking spot to really get into some good deep work.

Exploring Antigua’s ruins and getting a peek of Volcán de Agua on a sunny day

Let’s explore how we can all get more good work done in less time with the power of tapping into flow.

What is Flow State?

Coined by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, flow state is that optimal state of consciousness where we feel our best and perform our best.

It’s where we feel the most creative, the most productive, and the most focused.

Basically, it’s the optimal state to get your best work done.

You’re probably entering flow state with tasks that are just right for your brain to focus on - not too simple that you get bored, but also not too challenging that you can’t focus.

Maybe when you’re in the zone on a coaching call, maybe while writing a long-form piece of content.

When you enter flow state, you should feel peaceful.

Like outside distractions have no hold on your ability to get shit done in the moment.

Getting Into Flow

So, how can we actually get into the flow state?
And is it possible to do so systematically?

The short answer is with rituals.

We want to set ourselves up with the right environment that triggers us into flow states in the most routine way possible.

Make a ritual that signals to your brain that it’s time to focus.

I like to make my work space comfortable and well-lit, and then use whatever anchors I know will be with me, no matter where I’m at in the world.

I turn off my phone, close my other tabs, and lock into the goals I set for myself.

I’ll top up my water and caffeinated beverage of choice (it’s been mate for me in Argentina but Guatemela’s coffee is pulling my back to the dark side 😅)…

With distractions at bay, my checklist at the ready and my go-to lofi playlist loaded up, I’ve found that I can much more easily get lost in deep work.

You really have to find what ritual works for you, and what makes your work fun.

This is what really powers us through our tasks and gets us into the flow state.

You have to enjoy what you’re doing, not just tolerate it.

So find what works for you - whether it’s making your work into a game, taking more breaks, or connecting with others, you have to determine what powers you into the flow state.

Why Rituals Work

Rituals help cue our brains into the task at hand, minimizing distractions and paving the way for flow.

They create a sense of familiarity and comfort, even in unfamiliar surroundings.

Plus, they serve as a mental bridge, helping us transition from the scattered mindset of travel to the focused mindset of work.

So, next time you find yourself struggling to get in the flow, lean into your rituals.

Check out the video below from Steven Kotler and throw on some ambient noise or focus tunes of choice, and play around with what works best for you 🔥

How will you beat distraction this week and get yourself into deep work on what matters most in your business?

In his talk for Big Think, Steven Kotler explores the concept of 'flow state', describing it as a profound state of 'effortless effort' where everything else fades away, allowing for peak performance and creativity.

Kotler highlights various techniques to enter this state on command, emphasizing the balance between challenge and skill.

After learning about the flow state, what specific adjustments can you make to your daily routine or work environment to better facilitate entering this state of deep focus and creativity? 👀

Here’s to a focused and productive week ahead,

P.S. Want more great resources to grow your business?

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