The Power of Prioritization

Become a Better Decision Maker

“The problem happens when we have multiple desires. When we have fuzzy desires. When we want to do ten different things and we’re not clear about which is the one we care about.”

— Naval Ravikant

One month into my time back in this beautiful city, and I’m already finding how just strolling through Buenos Aires can be an eye-opener.

It's not just about the empanadas or the street tango – it's a crash course in doing one thing really well.

By just walking down one block, you see all these tiny shops, each doing their thing — a vegan bakery here, a chocolate specialist there.

They're not trying to do it all; they've picked their lane and they're owning it.

And damn.. can you ever taste the difference in their steaks and empanadas 🤤

It got me thinking.
We often hear that “millionaires have 7+ income streams”, and sure, diversification is important.

But let's be real – spreading yourself too thin, too early is a surefire way to end up feeling lost.

I’ve been there, trying to be the jack-of-all-trades, and honestly?
It's exhausting and kinda scatterbrained.

We intuitively know we’ll be more successful if we stay the course and go deep, and then go wider later…
Yet it’s all too easy to be tempted to say yes to more and more appealing opportunities or directions.

I’ve found it helpful to overcome this by remembering the meaning of the words we use in our daily lives…

The word incision means to ‘cut in’ — and decision means to cut away.

While exploring different offers, marketing platforms and business models can help us hone in what we can go deep on…

This timeless wisdom is more important than ever in our ever-changing world.

Michael Porter said it best when he said, “The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do."

And I get to be reminded of this every single day…
This nomadic lifestyle has truly hammered home one major lesson for me: prioritization.

With new places, time zones, and every tempting new cafe, it's a real test of focus.

It can be overwhelming to get to a new place and see all the potential things to do and see on every weekend trip…

Returning to this city has made it a little bit easier, and knowing there’s always next week has been a game-changer for me.

Dropping that FOMO and instead choosing to settle in, catching up on work, and making my space feel like home has made all the difference.

It’s about going deep, not wide, and really nailing what you set out to do.

Same thing goes with business.

Are we going to stray too wide before we dig deep — or stay the course until we get the results (or lessons) we set out for?

As we head into a new quarter ahead, ask yourself first not what needs to get done — we can always come up with a million and one items on that list.

I’ll challenge you to ask yourself what are the things that you will avoid doing, so you can keep yourself on track with your goals.

Reflect on the trade-offs: each new venture or shiny object promising progress might actually divert focus from where we could truly excel.

With that said, here are a couple simple Chrome extensions that can help dial in your workflow and do even better with your focus on what you’re already committed to.

Leave it to Sam Ovens to remind us on the importance of having really solid decision-making frameworks to ensure we’re aligned with what we’re prioritizing.

Here’s a challenge to take from this video with you into this quarter:

Simplify to Amplify: 

Identify one area of your life or business where complexity has crept in without adding value.

It could be a process, a social channel, or even a personal habit.
Commit to simplifying this area.

Reflect on how this simplification could lead to better decision-making and more effective use of your energy.

And with that, have an awesome week ahead. See you in the next one!


P.S. Looking to streamline your decision-making and more effectively implement AI into your business?

I’m opening up my calendar to 3 people next week to explore how you could better be using AI to better build a business and life you love.

Book a time while they’re open. Nothing to sell, just want to see where people are at right now and help you implement what I’ve learned from my past couple years of growing this.