How to Make Business Growth Easy

And a lot faster too

“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new”

— Albert Einstein

I had another newsletter issue ready for you this morning, but I woke up early here during my first week in Buenos Aires and wanted to share this lesson in business & life with you instead.

While I love the nomadic lifestyle and the benefits of its location independence, sometimes the whole “uprooting your life every month” to a new location also gets a bit exhausting.

Which is why I’m excited to have made my first return to a city I’ve visited before, and doing my longest stay here.

Even with a 2+ month stay, I still don’t have the luxury of actually getting to check out the apartment, its amenities or the drawback of the place that woke me up early this morning — how loud the traffic is outside 😅

What’s this got to do with you and your business?

All I could think of this morning was how it’s great that business doesn’t have to be this way…

I might be stuck with the slightly frustrating conditions I’m in based on Airbnb’s terms and the agreement I made with my host for the next little while…

But in business — we’re never stuck in one strategy, tactic, platform, business model etc.

And there’s something truly liberating about that.

A partner and mentor of mine taught me this lesson in a big way this year:

“Go as fast as you can to find out what works and learn the lessons needed to adapt.”

I think there’s a beautiful simplicity and opportunity in this.

  • Worried about putting $ behind a new strategy that might not pan out?

    • This is just a test — better to go as fast as you can and find out if it’ll pan out now than dabble with it for the next year and then only find out your results later.

  • Working on a new offer but not sure if it’ll be a home run?

    • Better to let the market decide — ask clients or your audience if they’d be interested before you’re ready, better yet — ask them to commit with their wallet with a pre-sale before you build it out entirely.

Would you rather find out a new course or ad strategy is going to flop, and cost you in time, money and opportunity cost now — or wait until conditions are perfect, making it a drawn-out process and maybe actually miss the opportunity altogether?

While sometimes this strategy has real repercussions, like me getting woken up at the crack of dawn because we weren’t able to vet this apartment in person…

Most times in business, we can enjoy getting to the end results we desire much more easily when we’re willing to jump in and embrace the opportunity to learn the lesson sooner rather than later.

And this really only comes by being reminded by Einstein’s wisdom — and that’s by letting ourselves be willing to fail so we can learn, pivot and evolve.

In my experience, this is found by keeping focused on the one thing, doubling down on it early and fast, without having your attention and resources spread too thin across too many shiny objects all at the same time.

In the meantime, I have a new checklist to assess Airbnb fits, and a lot of other things to keep my focus on that I can appreciate about this space or that are in my control!

As we head into the new week, ask yourself what you can take from this:

  • Where have you been drawing out a lesson that could be learned more quickly?

  • How can you keep focused on one thing that can give you new feedback that you can be empowered to work with?

For me — I’m sure there are more opportunities and lessons to be learned from this experience… I’ll have to get my first coffee in me and get back to you on this one for now 😅

Have a great week ahead 🙌

This is my go-to tool for tasks I put off doing when I need some accountability to get something important done… here’s your friendly reminder that tax season is upon us 😅

As management guru Peter Drucker once said, “What gets measured, gets managed.” Toggl is great for doing just that — there’s so much power in tracking and auditing how you’re doing, and Toggl is a great tool to do this with your time.

Not to sound like I’m not a fan of AI by any means — I’m using it in my business every day and have collapsed workflows by more than 10X already…

But I thought this article tied in as a good reminder in today’s issue — that AI is already and will continue to disrupt everything about how we work and live.

There’s literally no point in trying to perfect what we’re doing before it goes out, or in delaying the process in executing our current strategies… because the landscape is going to shift and evolve so quickly anyway.

This can continue to shock and surprise us — or we can expect this to be the new norm and embrace the opportunities that come with it — it’s really up to us 👀

In what ways are you expecting or already implementing changes with AI to how you operate in business?