Front-Loading for Systemized Success

"Make one decision that eliminates a thousand later decisions."

— Greg McKeown

A lot of people ask me how the hell I manage to find any consistency when I’m hopping around different parts of the world every month or two.

And it’s a pretty valid question 😅

When creating positive habits, generating momentum in business, or simply in putting things on autopilot that you don’t want to have to think about each time you do it…

It is definitely a lot easier to do when there’s consistency in your environment.

At the same time, this is also true for unconsciously creating self-sabotaging behaviour, letting bad habits build up, and in letting life get dull if it’s always running on repeat.

So whether you’re kicking it in your forever home, or taking long weekends off for the next month like I will be— here’s my take on how to get the benefits of systems-led living, without the dullness of living on repeat.

Simply put, it's just front-loading:

Invest the time up front to take 1-time actions that are going to give you positive benefits for the future.

Front-loading for me when bouncing around the world might look like when I’m setting up in a new city, I follow a checklist of things I know I want to do in the very first weekend to make sure that the next couple of months will be the best they can be.

These include things like:

🚶 Book a walking tour!

This way, in just a few hours, I walk away knowing a lot about the city, country, culture, and norms - and every following day spent there will be enjoyed through the lens of understanding the people, their history (& food 🤤) to help me get the most out of it.

💪 Get a gym membership!

Unless I’m already in a place with a nice gym and pool (which luckily I am right now, although we’re entering winter in Buenos Aires and the pool is getting a lot less use these days lol), then this is a one-time action that helps ensure I’ll be getting my ass in shape and not creating any imbalances from all the 1-handed workouts I’ll get lifting tasty new foods to my mouth

🍻 Get out to a social event!

Every city with a base of digital nomads or expats usually has a WhatsApp & Facebook Group full of other interesting people from all over the world also looking to connect with other cool people.

From a quick post or skim through the chat, a fun dinner or night at the bar will usually transpire pretty easily - leading to awesome new friendships and discoveries about the city/nearby gems to visit.

Setting up a productive workspace or getting a coworking membership, and letting clients know my new working hours are a few ways I make sure I’m set up well for the time ahead when it comes to biz.

With my clients, this can include things like dialling in their foundations (or filling in any major cracks), so they can really build upon it without having to backtrack or worry about things crumbling.

When we set things up properly from the beginning, we can make it a lot easier on future selves!

…and I’m so glad that AI is helping me build aligned strategy, offers and marketing materials for clients so much more efficiently these days 🤖

For you, maybe this looks like getting that gym membership, sitting down and restructuring your offer or email marketing workflows, or finally taking a load off your shoulders and getting some help.

I’ll leave you with this prompt to take with you into the week:

Do you have some one-time decisions that would make all other future decisions easier or unnecessary?

This is more of a book recommendation than video recco, but it’s a solid short summary of one of the most game-changing books on how you can better front-load your plans to really chip away at what matters most.

I’ve been using the custom GPT I built myself to help me with decision making and strategic planning tailored to the same contents covered in books mentioned in this issue like Essentialism and The One Thing, and it’s been reminding me just how important it is to make time for the intentional assessment of what we’re working on and if we’re operating from alignment.

If you answered yes to my previous question, I’ll challenge you to actually take some time this week to carve out the space needed to think about what decisions you’re unnecessarily making over and over that could be systemized and help streamline your success.

And with that, I’ll see you next week!

Have a great week ahead,

P.S. If you’re looking for some help with this, I’m looking for a few business owners to test out the system I’m using for myself and my clients.

Not charging for this service just yet, I’m excited to keep expanding on this and see if we can replicate the same success for you…