Breaking Free from the Familiar: How AI Redefines Our Work

...and what you can do to be on the leading edge of it

“This new generation of AI will remove the drudgery of work and unleash creativity”

- Satya Nadella, Chairman and CEO, Microsoft

Change is inevitable, and innovation is the key to progress.

Yet, why is it that we often find ourselves hesitating to embrace something new, especially when it can transform our lives for the better?

While there are real concerns about AI’s implications on society, the potential benefits we can enjoy with the state of these tools TODAY are hard to object.

I know it feels like there are thousands of new tools, tactics, and approaches we could implement in our lives or businesses each and every day.

There’s no doubt that it’s also hard to strike a balance between sticking your head in the ground, and leading the charge testing and implementing every new advancement promising to help you automate or streamline your whole life 😅

I’ve been reflecting on this dichotomy after some time off this past week and ahead of another webinar I’m putting on tomorrow on harnessing the power of AI.

I’ve been wondering why sometimes we hold ourselves back from making progress, and what we can do to better manage the dilemmas that come with the onslaught of innovations at our fingertips.

3 Reflections

Breaking Free from the Familiar: We all have our routines and comfort zones. It's all too easy to resist change, especially when it involves adopting new technology. But, it's essential to recognize that clinging to the familiar can limit our growth and potential.

Overcoming the 'Busy' Excuse: How often have you heard someone say, "I'm too busy to learn something new"? It's a common refrain, but what's often overlooked is that investing time in learning how to work with AI tools today can save us countless hours RIGHT NOW, and well into the future.

Unleashing Creativity: There's a persistent misconception that AI tools will make us lazy and hinder our creativity. (Sure, to some extent we’ll think less about coming up with first drafts etc.) However, by integrating AI tools into our work and life, we free ourselves from repetitive tasks, allowing us more time and space to tap into our true creative potential.

Today, the old adage “The only constant is change” rings especially true.

We can resist this change, or we can choose to be empowered by it and use it to create the kinds of positive change we want to see in the future.

The choice is yours.

In what ways are you embracing or resisting change in your business or life?

Want to unlock the power of AI in your life?

Join us tomorrow for another free session with Internations where I’ll be going deep on all the ways you can make the most of AI today and set yourself up for success in the future

There are already more than 250 people registered from 78 countries!

Bring your biggest questions in AI — see you there 🙂 

Trevor “Embracing change, even (& especially) when it’s uncomfortable” Davis

AI tools have helped me in more ways than I could possibly mention in this newsletter.

From brainstorming fresh ideas and making sense of complex topics, to exploring new perspectives and angles when diving into a new topic, to name a few on the personal front.

This read is a reminder that there are plenty of ways to incorporate AI into our businesses and lives, and we should prioritize those that’ll give us the biggest lift in the near-term while balancing the long-term benefits we can have with it.

As AI continues to evolve, what steps are you taking to ensure your business stays ahead of the curve and is prepared for future AI advancements? 👀

See you next week!